Would you like to learn and practice mental techniques together with a friendly group?
Would you like to exchange ideas and thoughts with others along your personal development path?
Would you like to be accompanied for a longer period?

Then you have come to the right place!

“MyLiFE” training or life path is training with techniques, methods and knowledge from mental training, psychology and communication sciences that can be learned and experienced together in a small group

Design your life with mental training!

This training gives you the opportunity to:

  • Discover your own personality,
  • Knowing and strengthening your mental strength,
  • Learning to deal with life’s uncertainties,
  • Taking care of your dreams and ideas.

The training consists of 7 modules. The two-day workshops in each module are meant to initiate a process of inner growth, while the follow-up evenings in the weeks between modules are meant to share and reflect on what has been experienced and lived.

Emphasis in the training is placed on personal growth, fitness for daily living and awareness for life. It is the perfect path for those new to the field of personal development and offers a comprehensive view of this world.

Begin the journey on the path of your life!

Period and duration

  • 7 Months (September – May / Break: December – January)
  • Start in spring or fall (next date autumn 2025)

Structure of the training course

7 Modules x 4 Online Afternoons
(Monday afternoons 2pm – 5:30 pm CET/CEST for a good start in the week)

Who are you

My personality

"Personalities are not formed by fine speeches, but by work and one's own efforts."
– Albert Einstein – translated from German
In this module you will develop a good understanding of your own personality, which will help you in dealing with people. You will be able to look at yourself introspectivelyand use your strengths and weaknesses correctly. This leads to a good self-confidence and a healthy self-worth.

  • Perception
  • Your own personality
  • Consciousness and subconsciousness
  • The Suitcase of resources
  • Self-worth and self-confidence
Who are you

My mental strength

„Watch your thoughts, for they become words;
watch your words, for they become actions;
watch your actions, for they become habits;
watch your habits, for they become your character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.“

– Talmud –
The module helps to perceive one's own thoughts, to understand the functions of the brain and to
learn its efficient use. The powerful instrument "brain" unlocks new possibilities through various
techniques to master challenges better and more creatively. The main focus is on shifting the focus from
problem thinking to solution-oriented thinking.

  • The brain, memory and learning
  • Concentration and creativity
  • Mental training exercises
  • Creative working techniques
Love your life

My life

„The point is not to give life more years, but to give years more life.“
– Many different popular people – see Quote Investigator
This module provides an initial insight into how you can take your own life into your own hands and
actively shape it. In the process, a red thread for one's own life is designed.

  • Lifestyle Designing
  • Life values and principles
  • Habits and beliefs
  • Emotional and other Intelligences
  • Self-Empowerment

My goals

„People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.“
– Earl Nightingale –
The module gives the opportunity to write down one's dreams and desires in the form of goals to give
them a tangible touch.

  • Dreams and wishes = life goals
  • Goal work
  • Inner and outer resources
  • Visualization, vision work and focus
  • Setting priorities in life

My relationships

„Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.“
– Mother Teresa –
This module addresses the different forms of relationships. Today we know about the importance of
human relationships, as we humans are social beings. Nurturing and harmonious relationships help
us stay mentally healthy and balanced.

  • The relationship and comunicaton with oneself
  • Social constructs: Family, friendships, couple relationships, society/culture
  • Communication, values and needs in all areas
  • Recognizing toxic relationships

My profession

„The more enjoyment you get out of your work, the more money you will make“
– Mark Twain –
This module not only helps you find your dream job , but also helps you navigate the professional

  • Strengths, competencies, values and personal ideals
  • The perfect job
  • Company structure and culture
  • Communication in companies (roles & feedback)
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Active job search (resume & interview) / freelancing (biography & client interview)
Wellness für die Seele

Balsam for the soul

„When we have joy in life, the moments of happiness come by themselves.“
– Ernst Ferstl –
Often we feel overwhelmed and have no energy left. In this module, methods and the respective
theory will be shown to help us recharge our batteries and give us time for ourselves.

  • Happiness and well-being
  • Salutogenesis
  • Healthy boundaries and healthy mental attitude
  • Stress management and resilience
  • Needs and self-care
  • The positive impact of minimalism on our lives

About the training course

The “MyLiFE” project was created in 2017 after my mental coach training and, not only has it continued to develop from the original mind-mapping sketch, but it has also expanded so much. In the end, the project did not remain just a colorful doodle in my OneNote, but became and continues to become more and more a reality.

So you have a form of this project in front of you, like a year-long training course that takes you through the challenges of your life journey. Other forms, such as on-demand online courses or a workbook, will follow. “MyLife” is meant to indicate in this case one’s individual life.

Are you interested?

Then fill out the form below! 🙂 You will receive an e-mail as soon as the next english edition starts.