Are you looking for a place where you can deeply connect with yourself and other women? A space where your voice is truly heard, your feelings are honored, and your experiences are valued? Our Women’s Circle is just that—a sacred gathering every first Tuesday evening of the month, where we come together to explore a variety of topics that touch our hearts and souls.

What is a Women’s Circle?

A Women’s Circle is a safe, nurturing space where women of all ages and backgrounds gather to share, listen, and grow. In our circle, the focus is on authentic dialogue and mutual support. It’s a place where you can express your true self without judgment, be seen and heard in your truth, and connect on a deep and meaningful level with other women.

Why should you join?

If you’re seeking a place where you can truly be yourself, explore new ideas, and connect with a supportive community of women, our Women’s Circle is the perfect place for you. Whether you are facing personal challenges, searching for new perspectives, or simply need a place to recharge, you’ll find what you’re looking for here. Together, we create a nurturing space to explore, learn, and grow.

Ready to join us?

Become part of this journey of connection, healing, and transformation.

oin us every first Tuesday evening of the month and experience the magic of our Women’s Circle. No matter where you are on your path, there is always a place for you here. Bring your open heart, your stories, and your wisdom. Let’s create something beautiful together.

Sign up today and step into a circle of sisterhood, support, and empowerment!

Participation is free.

I can’t wait to welcome you!

Time: 6 - 9 pm
1s October 2024
5th November 2024
3rd Dezember 2024
Further dates will follow...
Via Giovanni Caproni 9
39100 Bolzano

The Foundation of Our Women’s Circle

Inspired by the ancient practice of the Shamanic Circle

Our Women’s Circle draws inspiration from the ancient tradition of the Shamanic Circle. In many indigenous cultures, shamanic circles are used for healing, guidance, and connection with the spirit world. These gatherings are places of deep listening, shared wisdom, and communal healing. By integrating elements of this ancient practice, our circle becomes a space where modern women can reconnect with these timeless traditions of communal gathering, supporting one another, healing, and growing together. In our circle, we honor the natural rhythms of life, the wisdom of our ancestors, and the power of collective intention.
There will also be special moments where we sing simple shamanic songs and play shamanic drums together. These practices are more than just music—they are powerful tools for connecting with our inner strength and with one another. The rhythm of the drums and the unity of our voices help us release stress, ground ourselves, and tap into a deeper sense of strength and vitality.

The Dialogue Technique of David Bohm

Central to our gatherings is the dialogue technique developed by David Bohm, a physicist and philosopher known for his ideas on thinking and communication. Bohmian dialogue is a form of conversation that promotes deep listening and reflection. It goes beyond superficial discussions and delves into the deeper meanings behind our words and thoughts. In our Women’s Circle, we use this technique to create a space where every woman can speak her truth, where we can explore our differences with curiosity and compassion, and where new insights and understanding can emerge.
This approach helps us tap into the collective intelligence of the group, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. It’s about speaking from the heart and listening with an open mind—creating a transformative space where genuine understanding and connection can flourish.